Standing Like David

It is getting more difficult to keep your footing on the Rock during today’s cultural storms. One thing I really like about the following video is that it points out that God hasn’t changed; historic Christianity is still a stable stance, even though there are movements within the churches that are straying from the Bible… Continue reading Standing Like David

What’s the Reason for Your Hope?

One of the best outlines I’ve heard for the reason for our hope: Transcript found here:

“Have To,” or “Get To?”

Leviticus 23 lists God’s festivals. Verses 1 and 2 say, “Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to the Israelites, and say to them, “The festivals of Yahweh that you shall proclaim are holy assemblies; these are my appointed times.”‘” (LEB) Then, the festivals are named and described. At the top of the list is… Continue reading “Have To,” or “Get To?”

Safe Zone?

Dreams. I write about them. I have some thoughts to share. One thing to be cautious about is trying to see a meaning from God in every dream. I believe that our own brains create dreams, that Satan can whisper story elements in our sleeping ears and influence our dreams, and that God can communicate… Continue reading Safe Zone?

Teaching Moments

God sometimes teaches me through dreams. I had one of those last night. Because I remembered the most dramatic/traumatic situation the best, that’s the one dealt with first. Stay tuned for the whole dream, in other words. Also keep in mind that, in dreams, I am not always the same person I am in real… Continue reading Teaching Moments